Political parties |  |

Points of view |  |

Elections |  |

Useful information |  |

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Members of the electoral blocs

2003 Elections
Electoral Bloc "Social Liberal Alliance Our Moldova"
Electoral Bloc "Social Democratic Party - Social Liberal Party"
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2001 Elections
"Faith and Justice" Electoral Bloc
"Alliance of Lawyers and Economists" Electoral Bloc
"Edinstvo (Unity)" Electoral Bloc
"Braghis Alliance" Electoral Bloc
"Plai Natal (Motherland)" Electoral Bloc
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1999 Elections
"The Bloc of Communists, Agrarians and Socialists" Electoral Bloc
"Centrist Alliance of Moldova" Electoral Bloc
"Democratic Convention of Moldova" Electoral Bloc
"Furnica (Ant) - Speranta (Hope)" Social-Democratic Union
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1998 Elections
"Democratic Convention of Moldova" Electoral Bloc
"For a Democratic and Prosperous Moldova" Electoral Bloc
"Socialist Union" Electoral Bloc
Agrarian Democratic Party of Moldova
"Alliance of Democratic Forces" Electoral Bloc
"Furnica (Ant) Civic Alliance" Electoral Bloc
"Speranta (Hope) Social-Democratic Bloc" Electoral Bloc
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1995 Elections
"Alliance of Democratic Forces" Electoral Bloc
Electoral Bloc "Socialist Party and Unitate-Edinstvo (Unity) Movement"
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1994 Elections
"Alliance of the Christian-Democratic Peoples' Front" Electoral Bloc
"Social-Democratic Bloc" Electoral Bloc
"Peasants and Intellectuals Bloc" Electoral Bloc
"Socialist Party and Unitate-Edinstvo (Unity) Movement" Electoral Bloc
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